Suess Glacier
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Ablation zone of Suess Glacier from the helicopter
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The terminus of Suess Glacier at the Defile from the helicopter
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View of the ablation zone from the west
Suess terminus from Lake Chad.JPG (398868 bytes)
Terminus of Suess Glacier from Lake Chad to the east
Defile looking to Lake Haore.JPG (400598 bytes)
View from the Defile (the small gap between the terminus and the valley wall) to Lake Hoare and Canada Glacier
Looking at Suess with reflection off Chad.jpg (173966 bytes)
Reflection of Suess Glacier off Lake Chad
Canada Glacier looking upvalley towards Suess.jpg (394144 bytes)
Suess Glacier from Canada Glacier
Prglacier lake in front of Suess.jpg (397332 bytes)
Proglacial lake in front of Suess Glacier with the Defile in the background
Robin on top of Suess.jpg (98229 bytes)
Robin in the ablation zone of the glacier
Looking up from lower to upper part of Suess.jpg (116802 bytes)
The steep ice descent from the accumulation to ablation zone