..Gateway to Glaciers and Glacier Change
of Rocky Mountain National Park

Welcome! This site is a place to explore the glaciers (past and present) of Rocky Mountain National Park. Though the site is designed for the general public, it does contain links to technical information useful to those with more professional interests.

Why this site?

One of the major features of Rocky Mountain National Park are the landscapes created by glaciers. This web site is designed to provide a window into the glacial history and present status of glaciers in the park. It was also created to provide a glimpse into the ongoing glacial research  in the park.

About the site

This site has five modules that are listed in the title banner at the top of each page. To access a module, click on its name in this list.

The list of modules includes...

  • Gateway - This page.
  • Basics - Provides basic background information on glaciers and glacier change.
  • Tour - An interactive tour of the glaciers of Rocky Mountain National Park. Provides information about the geography, glaciers, and climate in the National Park.
  • Timeline - An interactive atlas / timeline showing changes in the glaciers of Rocky Mountain National Park from 180,000 years ago to present.
  • Research - Provides information on research techniques, as well as past and current glacier research activities at Rocky Mountain National Park.


This site was created for Rocky Mountain National Park by Frank D. Granshaw (Geology Department at Portland State University), Dr. Andrew G. Fountain (PSU Departments of Geology and Geography), and Matt Hoffman (PSU Geology department). Assistance was provided by Judy Visty, Colleen Flanagan, and Cheri Yost (Rocky Mountain National Park), Richard Madole (USGS Retired), and Jon Achuff (Black Spruce).
