Images of 1999 field season:

July 15, 1999lakeb.jpg (795806 bytes) July 18, 1999lakea.jpg (759114 bytes)

Images of Hidden Creek Lake before and after flooding



 dam.jpg (135302 bytes)        Ice dam      stream.jpg (78280 bytes)         Measuring stream hydrograph
glacier.jpg (109826 bytes)         Glacier surface features group.jpg (120590 bytes)         Team photo
drill3.jpg (135844 bytes)        Hot water drill outlet1.jpg (138113 bytes)              Stream survey
radar.jpg (161198 bytes)         Ice radar outlet2.jpg (54528 bytes)          Stream survey II
camp.jpg (145523 bytes)         Camp j&mlake.jpg (74761 bytes)             Lake instrumentation
Computing.jpg (103010 bytes)         Camp II hcl2.jpg (103197 bytes)             Location of instrumentation sites
survey.jpg (121072 bytes)         Ice survey